Jesus Love and a Safe Place

Do you ever feel like running away from yourself?  The harsh reality is, we will never escape ourselves.  Unless you believe in annihilation of the soul or reincarnation, you are stuck with you!

The Bible seems to draw a pretty clear picture of us taking ourselves into the next life.  I wonder if God is going to refine those areas about myself that I don’t like?  I know that in this life God is transforming us into His image as we walk in faith and obedience to His will.  It just feels like there is so much more that needs to be done!

Next month will be 44 years of being a Christian.  Wow!  I am still me!  I hope the Spirit continues to shape me.  I find being present among the people that love me helps me to be me.  Sometimes it is just someone saying that they like me and love me as I am that changes my whole attitude about myself.  I had this happen this past week.  That someone, gave me words of love and acceptance and did not realize how liberating it was for me!

Maybe what a big part of church should be about is people feeling safe to be themselves with the knowledge that they will be loved and not shamed.  In that atmosphere of love and acceptance, we can share our struggles with ourselves and find peace within.  It seems that the people who were really hurting and seeking love, found what they were looking for when they met Jesus.  He not only ministered to their needs, but validated them as people.  He would have done the same for us if we were open to him.

Jesus wants to make every Christian community a safe place to be ourselves.  When we are ourselves and present before God and one another, He can orchestrate a beautiful harmony of love that the world so desperately needs.

Pastor Fred


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